Friday, September 7, 2007

Five Activities For Young Children

Here are some ideas to do with young children. I will post five every Monday. I am posting this weeks list a little early. There is one activity for each day of the week. Feel free to modify any of the ideas to fit your child's age level.
Monday: Pretend you have a magic box. What is inside? How is it magic?
Tuesday: Leaf rubbings. Go on a walk and collect a variety of leaves. After your walk, place a paper over a leaf, and rub it with the flat side of a crayon.
Wednesday: Draw a picture of someone in your family. Name three things you like about them.
Thursday: Finish this sentence: One thing I want to learn....
Friday: Point to all the words that start with the letter B on a page in a book.

Leave a comment about your favorite activity from the week.

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