Remember that quilt I was trying to finish before the baby was born?
Well... I did it. I finished it a week before the baby was born and it got placed in its rightful home atop the bunk bed for my oldest daughter. All those negative comments my readers left about how I would never finish it in time really motivated me to get it done. Last night it got initiated into childhood with glittery silly putty. Silly putty sticks to fabric and doesn't come off! Help! does anybody know how to remove it?
When Miss N saw this she said "I want to buy that bed!"
I love it! Please teach me how!
Hey cuz! Have you tried hair spray, nail-polish remover, or goo-gone? I'd hate for them to ruin the gorgeous quilt, so you may want to test on a fabric strip with some silly-putty on it to see how it goes first. xox
Yeah, I was gonna suggest goo-gone. It got hot-pink putty out of our tan carpet anyway. Beautiful quilt!
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