Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Birds Eye View

Everyday Beauty #8: We hiked the butte and got this view of our town. It's right on the edge of Lake Roosevelt, the northern end of the Columbia River. It took us almost two hours to get to the top and back, but it was worth the view.
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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Deviled Eggs

Fresh eggs from the farm + boiling water = deviled eggs! Delicious, divine, delectable.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Five Days Old

Our Neighbor invited us over to her farm so the girls could see the new babies that have been arriving this spring. The highlight of the day was feeding the baby lamb warm milk from a bottle. Both girls took turns holding the bottle for the baby, even though LuLu was a bit shy at first. Nothing says "Spring" more than the emergence of new life. Blossoms unfold, grasses emerge from the long wintry slumber, and ewes are born.
So sweet, soft, and new.
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Monday, March 8, 2010

Now that's thinking green!

Got some extra Huggies wrappers from buying diapers? No problem just send them to TerraCycle and they will make them into a bib. They also work with schools on fund raising! For each bottle collected from students they send the school 5 cents.

From Trash to Treasure!