Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Homemade Halloween Costume

My daughter wanted to be popcorn for Halloween. This was after she saw me looking on the Pottery Barn website for Halloween costumes. I did not want to pay over fifty dollars for a costume. Besides, my mom always made my costume for me growing up and I loved wearing them. So I did a little research, surfed the web, and came up with this...
I used an old box, cut a hole in the top for her head and holes in the sides for her arms. Then we painted the box white with acrylic paint. I was going to paint the stripes on with red acrylic paint, but noticed that the paint seemed to scratch easily since it was a glossy box. I went the colored duct tape route. Next, I opened up my computer program; the print shop deluxe, created the popcorn banner, and printed it out with my color printer. I attached it to the front and back using packaging tape.
For the finishing touch, we popped some popcorn and hot glued it onto the top! Let's just hope she doesn't eat the popcorn while at her school Halloween party.

The other daughter started reading the Guardians of Ga'hoole books at the start of school this fall. Then the movie came out and she changed her mind from wanting to be a witch for Halloween to a Barn Owl. So I turned again to my trusty Google search and found these easy directions for an owl costume. I put my own spin on this by creating wings. She does not like the mask on the original website so we will create our own.
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Everyday Beauty

I really love the yellows that are popping out this fall against the deep green of the pines. This is my weekly post for something beautiful in my town. Happy Fall everyone.
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Saturday, October 16, 2010

In the spirit of Halloween

Just adding a little bit of black and white for this month!
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Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater

The colors of fall are arriving, along with cooler temperatures and crisp autumn mornings. My girls were able to take a field trip, with their school, this week to the pumpkin patch. We have made applesauce, from the tree in the backyard; tomato sauce, from produce in the garden; and canned pears, with fruit from Sherman Creek Orchard.
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