Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Art Card #44: Home

Our current home is a two bedroom townhouse. I have a desk in my closet for setting up my creative corner since space is sparse. I sew and make cards in my closet. Sometimes other family members find it handy and ask to borrow it, sitting at the desk on a folding chair. Our house is not a big place but it's home. We are warm in winter, cool in summer, and have our own fenced in backyard. We have plenty of places to snuggle up with a good book and read. We have warm cookies from the oven. There are families that live in cardboard walled houses with corrugated tin roofs. I know I've been inside them. So compared to them I live in a Mansion!
supplies: Miss Elizabeth's stickers, acrylic paint, & photo caption stickers.


Paula J Atkinson said...

Fabulous card. I think your home sounds very quaint. Mine is a sprawling flat but feels tiny to me having been here so long.

Anonymous said...

Great card! And wise words! Take care Dear!

Marjolein said...

Love this card, and yes, you are right, where ever we live, appartment, condo, splitlevel, everything is better compared to so much more people in there cardboard houses!

Jen said...

What a sweet card and I love what you wrote on your blog about your townhouse, especially the cookies in the oven. It's the small things like that that make a house a home.

Je@net said...

What a sweet card!! Love the story behind it!! You're so right!!!
Have a nice week and take care of yourself!!

Ralphie said...

The more I move around the more I know that "home" can be made any where. Just as long as you have your family with you. ...And warm cookies out of the oven.
Love you!

Lucky Starfish said...

I love your home! Can I come visit again?? I don't know what's better, your cookies or your crab salad.....

Anonymous said...

The little bee on your card reminds me of the a quote Mom had up on her cork board in the hallway that said, "I often hug you in my thoughts and hope you feel it."

Unknown said...

Beautiful card, love the colours :)