Monday, April 6, 2009

Sending love...

Here is the wee little one at 30 weeks. We went in for another ultra sound and came out with some great photos. In this picture on the upper right hand side: nose, and lips (in the shape of a pucker). She did some amazing acrobats and had her foot up next to her mouth, which reminds me of her sister who was also very flexible in utero. We got great news: The subchorionic hematoma has completely been resolved. There was no sign of it! YEAH!!! Oh, and DH mentioned last night that we should probably stock up on diapers!
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Lucky Starfish said...

Yay! I am so happy for you. That is great news!!!

Lorinda said...

what a precious picture! love the caption. so good to hear the hematoma is gone!

Ralphie said...

Fantastic news Snappy! You made my day with those baby lips!

Minnette said...

Yeah! Happy Day! What an amazing ultrasound picture :)

Iliana P. said...

I'm so glad to hear that you're both good to go! Ames and I have been worried about you!

Kt said...

Ah, what a precious, awesome photo. It's amazing. Can't wait to meet baby. Good news too!!!!