Monday, July 4, 2011

My First 5k!

I entered the local 4th of July 5k run. It was such a great run and my daughter joined me too! My man was kind enough to be my paparazzi. The course was down to the Columbia River and back. The weather was gorgeous. Here's wishing you all a spectacular 4th of July.
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Lorinda said...

Good job! Love the feeling of completing the first 5k!

Unknown said...

Dear Snippy,
What a lovely, intelligent blog you have created... I don't exercise much myself, aside from walking to and from destinations and then, there is the excessive use of mouth and the comments that run, screaming from it-lol:-)
Check out my blog if you're up for some discussion on varied topics...
cheers, all the best!

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I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.