Friday, July 13, 2007

Please dispose of your trash properly....

A few months ago we got new shingles on our roof. It was noisy; men hammering from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. It was dusty; shingles were flying off in irregular increments and one had to time the exit of the house just right to avoid a catastrophe. In the end, it was an improvement; we went from yellow/brown shingles to brown/charcoal shingles.
The men working on the project tried their best to clean up. They laid tarps down on the grass during the removal process, but with over 200 apartments in our complex it was a big project. Needless to say nails were strewn all over the place. I found them in the grass, the parking lot, and my backyard. One evening we were sitting on our front stoop when we noticed nails falling from the gutter. A little bird decided to do a little house keeping of his own. He picked them up with his beak and dropped them over the edge. He did this several times and we had a good chuckle as we watched them fall like bombs to the ground below. It felt like he was aiming for us, like we were the ones who left trash in his territory. He was letting us know he did not approve of this reckless behavior. So what could we do but collect the nails and dispose of them properly. So I say, “Thanks for being such a tidy little bird and a good example.”


Lucky Starfish said...

Hey Snappy!

I had to get a blog started of my own so that I could comment on all of your posts. You are a very creative person and I'm glad we're related!

snappy said...

Dear Lucky,
You didn't have to start your own blog to comment. You can choose "other" to leave a post. But I am glad you did. I love blogs. I am sure your's will be awesome. Where do I find it?

Butterfly said...

That was cute, thanks for sharing about the little bird. I hope no one steps on the nails!

Anonymous said...

You could be a writer of stories! I enjoyed your descriptions and could almost see the little bird.