Saturday, June 30, 2007

My Backyard: Part IV

Another post about recent backyard activity. What a funky little car! That should make for a wild ride! It reminds me of the car that Toad, from Wind in the Willows, wanted. I wonder if that is him driving now. But then again, maybe he is the passenger.
Just looking out my back window into the common area where the edge of grass meets gravel, there is constantly a flurry of activity at the local pizza joint and convenient store. Some photos of an innocent shoppers bad luck. Here comes the tow truck...

I really wonder what people buy at that little convenient store?


Butterfly said...

Maybe you ought to walk over to the convenience store and take a look around some time. I remember toad from Wind in the Willows - funny!

Anonymous said...

The old car reminds me of riding the the Jerome Parades on Grandpa's old cars. That was fun.