Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Art Card #37

Draw something!

Can you tell what's on my mind? We bought some washable markers last night and the girls and I stayed up late coloring. My cousin visited us over the weekend, he was in town on a business trip. It was very nice to have company. When he left he deposited a box of specialty chocolates as a thank you gift. Sweet!


Je@net said...

Great markers, great card, great box of chocolates!! LOL

Marjolein said...

Love this card, looks very tasteful:-)) Great, those markers, that's gonna be fun on t-shirts!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yum! You're card makes me want to go eat something sweet. They also look like the kind of markers that smell good. What a delecable(?) duo! (You get what I'm trying to say!)

Paula J Atkinson said...

Fab card, love those marker colours.

Lee Weber said...


Lyzzydee said...

Mmmmm sweeties !!!Great Card!