Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Kee Kee

For my everyday beauty shot this week I followed the cat around like the paparazzi follows a movie star. She was full of spunk and zest and tried to pounce on every moving blade of grass. Here she is in crouch mode...
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Wendy said...

Hello neighbor,
So glad you stopped by! I'm sorry, but I didn't see you at Bloomsday (he he). You were about 10,000 ahead of me! Wasn't it a wonderful day for a race?

Your kitty photo is just precious. I feel like I'm about to get pounced on.
Have a beautiful day!

Darcy @ m3b said...

I think your kitty and my kitty could be BFFs. Your kitty is gorgeous.

Susan said...

What a beautiful cat!!! Great shot...

Jennifer said...

How in the world did you get her eyes to pop and sparkle like that? Great shot!