Monday, May 17, 2010

Sweet nectar

The hummingbirds have returned. This means I make nectar once a day. We now have two feeders and in the evening when dusk settles in, they come for a drink before retiring to bed. There can be anywhere from 10-20 at the feeder at a time. My husband calls them little piggies. I don't mind feeding them because last week I scored a great deal on a ten pound bag of sugar at the grocery store. Lucky little birds.
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Unknown said...

Ooooh ! I never see hummingbirds in Montreal. I used to see some at my mom's and I think they are such lovely birds. Beautiful shot.

Heather said...

I love the hummingbirds:) We have the Anna's year round, but the Rufus arrived about a month ago. I am amazed that you get that many at a time. Ours sit like little sentinels and chase off any would be diners. We have to put the feeders on opposite sides of the house so everyone can get along.

Do they complain to you if the feeder is empty? Ours sound like they are barking little orders... feed me, feed me:)

Vonda said...

Wow! 20 hummingbirds! I had my first one last weekend. I can't wait to see them more regularly. Great shot!

Michelle DeRusha said...

I thought it might be too early for those little guys, but clearly it's not! We just got a feeder for a gift...must hang it out this week. Love your picture!

Amber@ClassicHousewife said...

I love hummingbirds! I need to get my feeder back up. I have been so neglectful!

Coneflower Ranch said...

I'm always amazed when people can capture a hummingbird (clearly) on film! Wonderful!